How Long After Belly Button Piercing Can You Go In a Hot Tub? Tips to Safely Soak


It’s best to avoid hot tubs, baths, swimming pools, and other forms of water immersion for at least two to three weeks after getting a belly button piercing. This will help prevent swelling and ensure proper healing as recommended by professional piercers.

This is because piercings, which create an open wound, can be susceptible to infection and irritation. Hot tubs, swimming pools, and baths can create an ideal environment for bacteria to grow, which is why piercers advise against exposing new piercings to these environments.

So it’s best for piercers and those with belly button piercings to wait until the healing of the wound before exposing it to any type of water immersion. Using wound wash can aid in the healing process.

Can You Go In A Hot Tub After Getting A Belly Button Piercing? 

Sure, you can go in warm water like a hot tub after getting a belly button piercing! Piercers recommend avoiding swimming in pools or other bodies of water until the piercing has fully and completely healed to prevent infections.

There’s no reason not to swim in a hot tub – just make sure to keep the area clean and dry over time by adding a pinch of sea salt while cleaning it, and you should be fine.

If you’re worried about an infection in your belly button piercing while swimming, you can always cover it with a band-aid or piece of gauze before stepping into the water.

Other than that, just relax and enjoy!

Can I Go In A Hot Tub With A New Piercing?

You can go swimming in a pool or saltwater with a new belly button piercing too, but it’s important to wait for a few weeks and take some precautions.

First, make sure the water in the swimming area tub is not too hot for your new belly button piercing.

Second, if you enjoy swimming, be mindful of your new piercing in the belly button when soaking in the tub. Moderate your exposure to minimize the risk of infection.

And third, be sure to clean your piercing dry belly button piercing thoroughly afterward, especially if you have been swimming or soaking in a hot tub.

If you follow these simple steps, you should be able to enjoy your new hot tub without any problems. However, it’s important to note that swimming in the hot tub can lead to piercing infections, especially if you have a belly button piercing.

How Long Should I Wait To Get In A Pool After A Belly Button Piercing?

It is recommended to wait for at least three weeks to four weeks.

It is important to keep a belly button piercing clean and dry, especially after swimming or using a hot tub, to heal and avoid infection.

One should avoid submerging the piercing in bodies of water, such as pools and hot tubs, for at least four weeks after getting the piercing.

Additionally, one should avoid soaking in a hot tub or touching/playing with the new body piercing.

Cleaning your new piercing twice a day with an antibacterial soap is generally sufficient. If you have a hot tub, make sure to also clean your piercing after each soak.

Does Chlorine Affect Belly Button Piercing?

Swimming pools, or going into a hot tub that uses chlorine to disinfect the water can cause irritation, swelling and redness around a belly button piercing.

Chlorine is a strong irritant and can be difficult to remove from the belly button pierced or skin, so it’s best to avoid swimming in pools or hot tubs that use chlorine if you have a belly button piercing.

Saltwater pools are fine – they actually disinfect better than chlorine-based pools because of the salt content. If you have a hot tub, saltwater is also a great option for keeping it clean and safe. And if you recently got a new piercing, saltwater can help with the healing process.

Can I shower with hot water with a belly piercing?

Allow cold water to pass through your piercing when you shower or soak in a hot tub. You can spray or rinse your navel piercing sea salt solution daily or by using saline soaps. Recovery Saline Solution.

How do you waterproof a belly button piercing?

Do not submerge the piercing in a hygienic pool or tub. Use an aeration-resistant wound-protective bandage such as the Xylon TM NexCareTM clean seal. This product is sold in the majority of drug stores.

Can I soak my belly button piercing in warm water?

It’s a good idea to soak the navel in saline water for 10 seconds over cleaning. After cleansing, gently wipe down navel with soft cloth. Repeat this twice per day. Then you have an excellent clean piercing.


  • Jason

    Jason is an experienced writer, having contributed to many popular websites over the years. He currently writes for Big Hot Tub, a blog about everything hot tubs. When he's not writing or working on his blog, Jason enjoys spending time with his wife and two young children.

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