Easy Hot Tub Maintenance: A Beginner’s Guide


Owning a hot tub is a delightful luxury, but maintaining it can sometimes feel like a chore. However, with the right knowledge and a proactive approach, you can transform hot tub maintenance into a simple and stress-free routine. This comprehensive guide will provide you with easy-to-follow steps for easy hot tub maintenance, essential chemicals, troubleshooting tips, and eco-friendly options to keep your hot tub in top shape, ensuring a clean and enjoyable experience for years to come.

Key Takeaways

  • Maintain your hot tub with an appropriate cover, proper water circulation and regular cleaning & filter replacement.
  • Balance pH/alkalinity levels using test strips or digital testers and adjust chemical levels following manufacturer guidelines.
  • Utilize eco-friendly maintenance options such as saltwater systems, natural enzyme cleaners & energy efficient practices for a clean spa experience.

Simple Steps to Maintain Your Hot Tub

Starting with the basics, every hot tub owner should incorporate three simple steps into their hot tub care routine: selecting an appropriate hot tub cover, maintaining proper water circulation with the help of a garden hose, and routinely cleaning and replacing the filter. By following a consistent hot tub maintenance schedule, you can ensure the longevity of your hot tub and enjoy its benefits for years to come.

These steps will lay a solid foundation for maintaining optimal water quality and preventing potential issues down the line.

Choose the Right Hot Tub Cover

Choosing an appropriate hot tub cover plays a significant role in safeguarding your spa from debris, preserving temperature, and reducing evaporation. Consider factors such as the size and shape of your hot tub, the climate in which you reside, and the material of the cover. A well-fitting and durable cover will not only shield your hot tub from the elements but also make it more energy-efficient by retaining heat.

Regularly clean and condition your hot tub cover to extend its lifespan and maintain its effectiveness. Here are some steps to follow:

  1. Rinse the cover.
  2. Gently wash it with an appropriate cleanser like a spa cover cleaner.
  3. Use a cover conditioner to protect the cover from UV rays and prevent cracking.

Taking care of your hot tub cover helps guarantee a tidy, energy-saving spa.

Keep the Water Circulating

Maintaining adequate water circulation is key to thwarting the accumulation of contaminants and promoting efficient filtration. Circulate the hot tub’s water through the cartridge filters by running the hot tub for 15 to 20 minutes twice a day or implement an automatic circulation schedule.

Maintaining the correct water level in your hot tub is also crucial to prevent damage to the pump and keep the water clean. Save on electricity costs by using your hot tub during off-peak hours, as it helps maintain water circulation.

Regularly assess your hot tub’s water temperature and ensure that your spa is set to filter water adequately to prevent issues such as pH imbalance, water cloudiness, and reduced spa performance. Upholding appropriate water circulation allows you to relish crystal-clear water and a smoothly operating hot tub.

Regular Filter Cleaning and Replacement

Routine cleaning and replacement of filters are paramount for preserving water quality and promoting efficient filtration. Dirty filters can lead to murky water, clogged pumps, and algae growth. There are three methods for cleaning hot tub filters: rinse, spray, and soak. It is recommended to clean your filters at least once a month or more frequently if the hot tub is used extensively.

When it’s time to replace your hot tub filter, consider its material and compatibility with your spa. Filters should be replaced at least once every 1-2 years or when they can no longer be adequately cleaned during your regular maintenance routine. Routine filter cleaning and replacement aid in sustaining a clean and healthy environment for your hot tub.

Essential Hot Tub Chemicals and Their Roles

In addition to the simple steps mentioned above, properly maintaining your hot tub requires a good understanding of essential chemicals and their roles. Sanitizers, pH and alkalinity balancers, and shock treatments are crucial for maintaining water quality and safety in your hot tub.

In the subsequent sections, we will delve into the details of each of these chemicals, their functions, and how to utilize them optimally.

Sanitizers: Chlorine and Bromine

Chlorine and bromine are common sanitizers used to kill bacteria and other harmful microorganisms in hot tubs. The optimal chlorine levels should be between 1.5 and 3 parts per million (ppm). Bromine levels should stay within the range of 3 to 5 ppm. Following the directions on the package of your chosen sanitizer will ensure effective sanitization and a safe spa environment.

While both chlorine and bromine are popular choices for hot tub sanitization, some users may prefer one over the other due to factors such as skin sensitivity or odor.

Regardless of which sanitizer you choose, remember to test your hot tub water regularly and adjust the sanitizer levels as needed to maintain a clean and safe hot tub experience.

Balancing pH and Alkalinity Levels

Maintaining balanced pH and alkalinity levels in your hot tub is essential to avoid skin irritation, prevent equipment damage, and uphold sanitizer efficiency. The appropriate pH range for spa water is generally between 7.2 and 7.8, while the ideal total alkalinity (TA) range is between 80 and 120 parts per million (ppm). Frequent testing of your spa water and fine-tuning the pH and alkalinity levels as required will ensure your hot tub water remains balanced and comfortable for use.

If you notice fluctuations in pH or alkalinity levels, use both a pH increaser and a pH decreaser to bring the levels back into the proper range. Test the spa’s pH 2 to 3 times a week using a spa test strip kit, and make necessary adjustments to maintain a balanced water chemistry. Adequately balanced water enhances user comfort and prolongs the lifespan of your spa equipment.

Shock Treatments

Shock treatments play a pivotal role in maintaining the cleanliness and clarity of your hot tub water. Here are three options for weekly shock treatments:

  1. Bromine: Bromine shock is a popular choice for hot tubs. It effectively eliminates contaminants and reduces odors.
  2. Chlorine: Chlorine shock is another effective option. It helps to sanitize the water and kill bacteria and algae.
  3. Non-chlorine shock: Many spa owners prefer non-chlorine shock due to its lack of odor and its ability to decompose organic waste without adding more sanitizer to the water.

Choose the shock treatment that works best for you and your hot tub to ensure clean and clear water for your enjoyment.

Applying shock treatments helps maintain a clean and pleasant hot tub environment, free from unpleasant odors and contaminants. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the correct dosage and application of shock treatments to ensure the best results and maintain optimum water quality.

Testing and Adjusting Hot Tub Water Chemistry

Consistent testing and adjusting of your hot tub water chemistry is a key aspect of hot tub maintenance. Regularly monitoring your hot tub’s chemical levels and making necessary adjustments will help you maintain a balanced water chemistry, prevent issues such as pH imbalance, water cloudiness, and reduced spa performance.

Upcoming sections will discuss the techniques for testing your hot tub water and offer advice for tweaking chemical levels.

Using Test Strips or Digital Testers

Test strips and digital testers are effective tools for measuring pH, alkalinity, and sanitizer levels in your hot tub.

To use test strips, follow these steps:

  1. Dip a strip into the hot tub.
  2. Gently stir it around for five seconds.
  3. Shake off the excess water.
  4. Compare the colors to the color chart provided on the bottle.

Digital testers are electronic devices that accurately gauge the pH and alkalinity levels in the hot tub water.

Consistently testing your hot tub water and adjusting the levels as needed contributes to a safe and clean spa environment. Aim to evaluate your hot tub water at least once a week, and keep a record of the test results to monitor any changes or patterns in water chemistry.

Tips for Adjusting Chemical Levels

Ensuring proper chemical balance in your hot tub is crucial for maintaining water quality and user comfort. Follow the manufacturer guidelines and professional advice to adjust chemical levels as needed. If you notice patterns in water chemistry, such as consistently high or low pH levels, make a note of the changes and take appropriate action to address the root cause.

If you’re struggling to maintain balanced chemical levels in your hot tub, consider consulting a professional or seeking advice from other hot tub owners. Keep in mind, consistent testing and fine-tuning of your hot tub water chemistry contributes to a clean, safe, and pleasurable spa experience.

Routine Hot Tub Cleaning Techniques

In addition to maintaining proper water chemistry, keeping your hot tub clean is essential for ensuring a pleasant and hygienic spa experience. Routine cleaning techniques such as skimming, vacuuming, cleaning the shell and jets, and caring for the cover will help keep your hot tub in top condition.

We will delve into each of these cleaning techniques in further detail.

Skimming and Vacuuming

Regularly skimming the water surface and vacuuming the hot tub is crucial for removing debris, dirt, and contaminants. To skim the water surface, use a skimmer net to scoop out any debris or dirt that has accumulated on the surface. For vacuuming, use a vacuum hose to extract any debris from the bottom of the hot tub. Aim to perform skimming and vacuuming at least once a week to maintain a clean and debris-free hot tub environment.

Integrating skimming and vacuuming into your regular hot tub maintenance can help thwart the accumulation of contaminants and enhance water quality. This simple yet effective cleaning technique will help ensure a clean and enjoyable hot tub experience for you and your guests.

Cleaning the Hot Tub Shell and Jets

Maintaining the cleanliness of the hot tub shell and jets is key to preserving the aesthetics and functionality of your spa. Use gentle, spa-specific cleaners to prevent damage to the shell and jets. A weekly cleaning regimen with a sponge and white vinegar is an effective and gentle method for maintaining the cleanliness of the spa’s shell and jets. For stubborn stains or scum lines, consider using baking soda as a mild abrasive.

Routine cleaning of the hot tub shell and jets helps maintain your spa’s aesthetics and aids in preventing the accumulation of bacteria and contaminants. By dedicating time to clean these areas, you can ensure a clean and inviting hot tub environment for you and your guests.

Caring for Your Hot Tub Cover

Appropriate care for your hot tub cover is essential for prolonging its durability and preserving its efficacy. Regularly clean and condition your cover using a mild detergent and a soft brush to remove dirt and debris, and a vinyl conditioner to protect it from UV rays and prevent cracking. Taking care of the cover not only helps insulate your hot tub and conserve energy but also assures a clean and safe spa environment.

Caring for your hot tub cover is an essential aspect of hot tub maintenance that is often overlooked. By dedicating time to clean and condition your cover, you can protect your investment and enjoy a more energy-efficient and clean hot tub experience.

Troubleshooting Common Hot Tub Issues

Even with regular maintenance and care, hot tubs can sometimes experience common issues such as cloudy or foamy water, unpleasant odors, and fluctuating water temperature. Being able to identify the root cause of these issues and apply appropriate solutions is a valuable skill for any hot tub owner.

This section will discuss how to resolve these common issues and guarantee a clean and enjoyable hot tub experience.

Cloudy or Foamy Water

Cloudy or foamy water in your hot tub can be caused by an imbalance in chemical levels, dirty filters, or high levels of organic matter in the water. To address this issue, first, check and adjust the chemical levels in your hot tub using test strips or a digital tester. Next, clean or replace your hot tub filters as needed.

If the water remains cloudy or foamy after these steps, consider using a clarifier or defoamer to help clear the water. Promptly addressing cloudy or foamy water can avert additional problems and guarantee a clean and safe environment for your hot tub. Regular water testing and filter maintenance are essential for preventing this common hot tub issue.

Unpleasant Odors

Unpleasant odors in your hot tub can be indicative of inadequate water quality, such as low sanitizer levels, improper pH management, or a dirty spa filter. To eliminate these odors, first, check and adjust the chemical levels in your hot tub using test strips or a digital tester.

Next, clean or replace your hot tub filters as needed. Finally, consider using shock treatments to help eliminate unpleasant odors and maintain water clarity.

Promptly dealing with unpleasant odors can enhance the overall experience of using your hot tub and avert potential health risks. Regular water testing and filter maintenance are crucial for preventing and addressing this common hot tub issue.

Fluctuating Water Temperature

Fluctuating water temperature in your hot tub can be caused by a variety of factors, such as thermostat settings, heating element issues, or improper water circulation. To address this issue, first, check the thermostat settings of your hot tub and adjust them to your preferred temperature.

Next, inspect the heating element for any signs of damage or deterioration. Finally, ensure proper water circulation by inspecting the filter, pump, and jets for any obstructions or issues.

Dealing with fluctuating water temperature promptly ensures a consistently comfortable hot tub experience and prevents potential damage to your spa equipment. Regular maintenance and inspection of your hot tub’s components are essential for preventing and addressing this common issue.

Eco-Friendly Hot Tub Maintenance Options

For those who are environmentally conscious or looking for alternative hot tub maintenance options, there are eco-friendly solutions available. Saltwater systems, natural enzyme cleaners, and energy-efficient practices can help you maintain a clean and enjoyable hot tub experience while minimizing your environmental impact.

This section will delve into each of these eco-friendly options in further detail.

Saltwater Systems

Saltwater systems convert salt into chlorine, reducing the need for traditional sanitizing chemicals. These systems offer several benefits, including being more gentle on the skin, providing better water quality, and being suitable for those with sensitivities. To maintain a saltwater system, routinely inspect the salt levels, clean the filter, and assess the water chemistry.

Implementing a saltwater system for your hot tub offers several benefits:

  • It provides a more natural and environmentally friendly spa experience.
  • This alternative sanitization method is better for the environment.
  • It creates a more comfortable and enjoyable hot tub experience for users.

Natural Enzyme Cleaners

Natural enzyme cleaners offer several advantages:

  • They break down organic contaminants, reducing the need for harsh chemicals and improving water quality.
  • They decompose organic contaminants such as oils, sweat, and body lotions into smaller molecules that can be more efficiently filtered out of the water.
  • They improve water clarity.
  • They decrease chemical usage.
  • They are environmentally friendly.

Integrating natural enzyme cleaners into your hot tub maintenance routine offers several benefits:

  • Reduces the need for harsh chemicals
  • Provides a cleaner and more environmentally friendly hot tub experience
  • Improves water quality
  • Enhances user comfort

This natural alternative to traditional spa chemicals, which also helps reduce the presence of body oils, is not only better for the environment but also improves the overall hot tub experience.

Energy-Efficient Practices

Adopting energy-efficient practices can help you reduce energy consumption and minimize your hot tub’s environmental impact. Here are some tips:

  • Utilize a well-insulated cover to maintain proper water temperature and minimize heat loss.
  • Ensure proper water circulation by inspecting the filter, pump, and jets for any obstructions or issues.
  • Optimize filtration cycles to reduce the duration your hot tub needs to operate its filtration system.

Including these energy-efficient practices in your hot tub maintenance routine enables a more environmentally friendly spa experience and energy cost savings. Taking care of the environment while maintaining a clean and enjoyable hot tub is a win-win situation.


In conclusion, proper hot tub maintenance is essential for ensuring a clean, safe, and enjoyable spa experience. By following the simple steps, using essential chemicals, and adopting routine cleaning techniques outlined in this guide, you can effortlessly maintain your hot tub and extend its lifespan. Additionally, eco-friendly options such as saltwater systems, natural enzyme cleaners, and energy-efficient practices offer environmentally-conscious alternatives for hot tub maintenance. Invest time in caring for your hot tub, and it will reward you with years of relaxation and pleasure.

Frequently Asked Questions

What hot tub requires the least maintenance?

Bullfrog Spas’ STIL Model hot tub with their Low Maintenance Cabinet is the ideal choice for those looking for a low maintenance option, as it is weather and UV-resistant and does not require any staining or regular upkeep.

Is it easy to maintain a hot tub?

Maintaining a hot tub can be made easy by following the five tips mentioned above. Regular testing and adjusting of the spa water balance, cleaning the filter every 1-2 weeks, and draining and refilling the spa every 3-4 months will help keep your hot tub well maintained.

How do you take care of a hot tub for beginners?

For beginners, hot tub maintenance involves skimming the surface, cleaning the filters, testing and balancing water levels, circulating the water, and occasionally draining, cleaning, and refilling. To keep your hot tub looking its best, use a soft sponge and some spa surface cleaning solution on its exterior.

What do you put in a hot tub after every use?

For maximum hot tub hygiene, sprinkle chlorine in your hot tub after every use. You can also add chlorine by placing tablets in a floating dispenser. This daily maintenance will help ensure that the water is clean and chemical-free for your next soak.

How often should I clean my hot tub filters?

It is recommended to clean your hot tub filters at least once a month. Frequency should be increased if the hot tub is used frequently.


  • Jason

    Jason is an experienced writer, having contributed to many popular websites over the years. He currently writes for Big Hot Tub, a blog about everything hot tubs. When he's not writing or working on his blog, Jason enjoys spending time with his wife and two young children.