Hot Tub Maintenance for Dummies: A Guide


In order to fully enjoy your hot tub and ensure a clean and hygienic experience, proper maintenance is essential. This comprehensive guide is specifically designed for beginners, providing easy-to-follow steps to help you keep your hot tub in perfect working order. By following these maintenance guidelines, you can enjoy your hot tub without worrying about repairs or cleaning.

Hot tub maintenance is not only about keeping the water clean, but it also plays a crucial role in maximizing the lifespan of your hot tub. Neglecting maintenance can lead to the growth of bacteria and other contaminants, which can compromise the quality of your hot tub experience. By following the simple steps outlined in this guide, you can maintain a clean and enjoyable hot tub environment.

Whether you are a private owner or running a business, understanding the basics of hot tub maintenance is essential. This guide will cover everything you need to know, from managing water chemistry to proper filtration and cleaning techniques. By gaining a basic understanding of both hot tub chemistry and maintenance, you can troubleshoot potential problems and ensure the longevity of your hot tub.

Stay tuned as we dive into the specifics of hot tub maintenance, providing you with a step-by-step guide that will make hot tub maintenance a breeze. With this guide, even beginners can confidently maintain their hot tubs and enjoy a clean and relaxing experience.

Understanding Hot Tub Maintenance Basics

Routine maintenance is crucial for ensuring the longevity and cleanliness of your hot tub. By regularly maintaining your hot tub, you can prevent issues such as bacteria growth and equipment damage, ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience.

One of the key components that require maintenance is the hot tub’s shell. Regular cleaning and wiping of the shell help prevent the buildup of bacteria and keep your hot tub looking new and presentable. Using a soft sponge and a spa surface cleaning solution is an effective way to clean the hot tub’s exterior.

Water circulation is another important aspect of hot tub maintenance. Regularly circulating the hot tub’s water helps keep it free of contaminants by passing it through the hot tub’s cartridge filters. Most modern hot tubs have an automatic daily cycle that circulates the water, ensuring cleanliness and preventing bacteria growth. For older hot tubs without an automatic cycle, it is recommended to run the circulation system for at least fifteen minutes daily to ensure proper filtration.

Proper maintenance of filters is essential for maintaining water quality. Hot tub filters should be changed at least once a year, depending on usage. Dirty filters can strain the hot tub’s circulation pumps, reducing their lifespan and potentially leading to costly repairs. Regularly cleaning and replacing filters will help maintain optimal water flow and prevent equipment damage.

Neglecting hot tub maintenance can have serious consequences. Poor maintenance can lead to the growth of bacteria, resulting in cloudy water, foam, algae blooms, and white water mold. These issues can be time-consuming and expensive to fix, but they can be easily prevented by following a basic hot tub high maintenance schedule.

In summary, routine maintenance is vital for the longevity and cleanliness of your hot tub. By properly maintaining the bottom clean your hot tub’s shell, ensuring water circulation, and regularly cleaning and replacing filters, you can prevent bacteria growth and extend the lifespan of your equipment. Don’t underestimate the importance of hot tub maintenance, as it directly impacts your enjoyment and the overall experience of using your hot tub..

Hot Tub Maintenance Schedule

Sticking to a regular maintenance schedule is crucial for keeping your hot tub clean, hygienic, and prolonging its lifespan. By following a simple maintenance schedule, you can ensure optimal results and enjoy your hot tub to the fullest. Here’s a breakdown of the key points to consider:

Importance of Sticking to a Regular Maintenance Schedule: Regular maintenance is essential to prevent issues such as cloudy water, hot tub foam, algae blooms, and white water mold. Neglecting proper maintenance can lead to a less enjoyable hot tub experience and potential health risks due to bacteria growth. Additionally, maintaining your hot tub correctly helps preserve the equipment and reduces the likelihood of costly repairs.

Simple Maintenance Schedule for Every Hot Tub Owner: To make hot tub maintenance easier, it’s recommended to establish a routine schedule. Here’s a basic maintenance schedule that every hot tub owner should follow:

  1. Private Owners: For private owners, it is generally recommended to maintain your hot tub once a month. This frequency allows for proper cleaning and upkeep without being overly burdensome. However, it’s important to adjust the schedule based on your specific usage and water conditions.
  2. Businesses: If you are running a hot tub business, more frequent maintenance is necessary to ensure the safety and satisfaction of your clients. It is recommended to maintain your hot tub every few days or weekly, depending on the usage. This regular maintenance routine helps preserve the equipment’s functionality and prevents the buildup of bacteria.

Additional Considerations: In addition to regular maintenance, there are a few other factors to keep in mind:

  • Sanitizer Levels: Regardless of whether you are a private owner or a business, it’s crucial to check and maintain the sanitizer levels in your hot tub. This ensures that the water remains clean and safe for use.
  • Water Temperature: Regularly monitor the water temperature to ensure it aligns with the hot tub’s specifications. This helps maintain optimal performance and prevents any potential issues.

By following a consistent maintenance schedule and considering these factors, you can enjoy a clean, well-maintained hot tub that provides a relaxing and enjoyable experience for years to come.

Hot Tub Water Chemistry

Maintaining proper water chemistry in your hot tub is crucial for ensuring a safe and full hot tub healthy and enjoyable experience. Here’s what you need to know about hot tub water chemistry:

Significance of Maintaining Proper Water Chemistry: Proper water chemistry is essential for several reasons. It helps prevent the growth of bacteria and other contaminants, ensures the effectiveness of sanitizers, protects the hot tub and spa equipment from damage, and keeps the water clear and inviting. By maintaining the right balance of chemicals, you can create a hygienic and comfortable environment for soaking.

Essential Chemicals for Maintaining Water Chemistry: To maintain the water chemistry in your hot tub, you’ll need a few essential chemicals. Chlorine tablets or bromine granules are commonly used as sanitizers to kill bacteria and keep the water clean. Test strips or a liquid test kit are necessary for regularly monitoring the pH and alkalinity levels. Additionally, shock treatments and chemical soaks are important for deep cleaning hot tub chemicals and removing any built-up contaminants.

Testing and Balancing pH and Alkalinity Levels: Regularly testing and balancing the pH and alkalinity levels of your hot tub water is crucial. Test the water using the provided test strips or liquid test strip kit, and adjust the levels accordingly. Aim for a pH level between 7.4 and 7.6 to maintain a neutral and comfortable environment. The ideal alkalinity range is typically between 100 and 150 parts per million (ppm). Adjusting the pH and alkalinity levels will ensure that your sanitizers work effectively and prevent any potential issues.

Importance of Shock Treatment and Chemical Soaks: In addition to regular maintenance, it’s important to incorporate shock treatments and chemical soaks into your hot tub care routine. Shock treatments help eliminate any residual contaminants and restore the water in hot tub’s ph level, clarity and freshness. Chemical soaks, on the other hand, are used for deep cleaning the hot tub surfaces and equipment. These treatments are essential for maintaining a clean and healthy hot tub environment.

By understanding the significance of maintaining proper water chemistry, using essential chemicals, testing and balancing pH and alkalinity levels, and incorporating shock treatments and chemical soaks, you can ensure that your hot tub water remains clean, safe, and inviting for your enjoyment.

Cleaning and Maintaining the Hot Tub

Keeping your hot tub clean is essential for maintaining its performance and ensuring a hygienic soaking experience. Here are some important steps to follow for cleaning and maintaining your hot tub:

Step-by-Step Instructions for Cleaning the Hot Tub’s Shell:

  1. Start by removing all people from the hot tub area and turning off the pump and filtration system to avoid damage from chemicals.
  2. Use a soft sponge and a spa surface cleaning solution to wipe and clean the hot tub’s shell. This will help remove dirt, oils, and other impurities.
  3. Pay special attention to areas with visible debris and scrub them gently to ensure a thorough cleaning.
  4. Rinse the shell with clean water to remove any remaining cleaning solution.

Importance of Cleaning and Replacing Hot Tub Filters: Regularly cleaning and replacing hot tub filters is crucial for maintaining good hot tub circulation and clean and clear water. Follow these steps:

  1. Check your hot tub’s filter every time you clean the hot tub. Remove any loose debris from the surface of the filter.
  2. Soak the filter in warm water with baking soda mixed in to remove any built-up dirt and contaminants.
  3. Rinse the filter with clean water to ensure it is free from any residue.
  4. If the filter is damaged or worn out, replace it with a new one to maintain optimal filtration.

Using Tennis Balls or Scum Absorbers: To remove impurities from the water, consider using tennis balls or scum absorbers. These soft fibrous materials can absorb oils, creams, and soaps left from your body, improving the cleanliness of the hot tub water. Simply toss a few tennis balls or scum absorbers into the water after each use to help maintain water quality.

Tips for Deep Cleaning and Removing Total Dissolved Solids: Deep cleaning your hot tub is important to remove any accumulated total dissolved solids (TDS). Here are some tips:

  1. Drain as much dirty water from the hot tub as possible using buckets or hoses.
  2. Refill the hot tub with clean water to flush out loose debris and cleanse the hot tub filter.
  3. Consider using a hot tub cleaner specifically designed to remove TDS. Follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer for best results.

By following these cleaning and maintenance steps, you can ensure that your hot tub remains clean, inviting, and ready for you to enjoy a relaxing soak.

Additional Tips for Hot Tub Maintenance

Maintaining your hot tub goes beyond just cleaning the water and shell. Here are some additional tips to help you keep your hot tub in great shape:

  1. Maintain the Water Temperature and Use a Hot Tub Cover: Keeping the water temperature above 104 degrees Fahrenheit is important to prevent the growth of bacteria and germs. Additionally, using a hot tub cover when the tub is not in use helps retain heat, reduces evaporation, and keeps debris out of the water.
  2. Use Floating Dispensers and Non-Chlorine Shock: To maintain water cleanliness, consider using floating dispensers that release chemicals like chlorine or bromine gradually. These dispensers help keep the water sanitized and free from harmful microorganisms. Non-chlorine shock treatments can also be used to oxidize organic contaminants and maintain water clarity.
  3. Maintain Electrical Appliances and Ensure Water Quality: Regularly check and maintain the electrical appliances in your hot tub, such as pumps, heaters, and control panels. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper maintenance and ensure that all components are functioning correctly. Additionally, regularly test the water quality using test strips or a water testing kit to ensure the chemical levels are balanced.
  4. Ensure a Proper Filtration System: A good filtration system is essential for keeping your hot tub water clean and clear. Clean or replace the filters regularly according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. A clogged or dirty filter can hinder water circulation and reduce the effectiveness of the sanitizing chemicals.
  5. Consider Using Water Crystals: Water crystals are a great addition to your hot tub maintenance routine. These crystals help to clarify the water by trapping small particles and impurities, making it easier for the filtration system to remove them. Follow the instructions on the packaging for proper usage and dosage.

By following these additional tips, you can ensure that your hot tub remains clean, hygienic, and enjoyable for years to come. Remember to consult your owner’s manual for specific maintenance instructions tailored to your hot tub model.


In conclusion, maintaining your hot tub is crucial for ensuring a clean and enjoyable experience. By following the guidelines provided in this article, you can keep your hot tub in great shape and maximize its lifespan.

To summarize, we discussed the importance of maintaining water temperature and using a hot tub cover to prevent bacteria growth. We also mentioned the use of floating dispensers and non-chlorine shock for water cleanliness, as well as tips for maintaining electrical appliances and ensuring water quality. Additionally, we highlighted the significance of a proper filtration system and the use of water crystals.

Regular hot tub maintenance not only keeps the water clean and the hot tub jets hygienic but also helps prevent costly repairs and extends the life of your hot tub. By following these guidelines, you can enjoy your hot tub to the fullest and create a relaxing oasis in your own backyard.

Remember, always consult your owner’s manual for specific maintenance instructions tailored to your hot tub model. Don’t hesitate to reach out for assistance if needed. Start implementing these maintenance practices today and experience the joy of a sparkling clean hot tub for years to come.


What is the easiest way to maintain a hot tub?

Maintaining a hot tub doesn’t have to be complicated. Here are some easy steps to keep your hot tub in great condition:

  1. Regular Cleaning: Clean the hot tub’s shell using a soft sponge and a spa surface cleaning solution. This helps prevent the buildup of bacteria and keeps your hot tub looking new.
  2. Water Circulation: Ensure that the water circulates regularly through the hot tub’s cartridge filters. Most modern hot tubs have an automatic daily cycle for water circulation. If your hot tub doesn’t have this feature, run it for 15 minutes every day to keep the water filtered and clear.
  3. Use Tennis Balls or Scum Absorbers: After each use, consider adding a few tennis balls or scum absorbers to the water. These will help remove impurities like oils, creams, and soaps, improving the cleanliness of the hot tub water.

By following these simple steps, you can easily maintain your hot tub and enjoy a clean and hygienic experience.

What is routine maintenance on a hot tub?

Routine maintenance on a hot tub involves regular cleaning and checking of essential components. Here are some key tasks for routine hot tub maintenance:

  1. Cleaning: Clean the hot tub’s shell using a soft sponge and a spa surface cleaning solution. This should be done weekly to prevent the buildup of bacteria and keep the hot tub looking fresh.
  2. Water Chemistry: Maintain proper water chemistry by regularly testing and adjusting the pH and sanitizer levels. This ensures that the water is safe and balanced for use.
  3. Filter Maintenance: Clean or replace the hot tub’s filters according to the manufacturer’s instructions. This helps maintain proper water circulation and filtration.
  4. Inspect Electrical Components: Regularly check the electrical appliances in your hot tub, such as pumps and heaters, to ensure they are functioning properly. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for maintenance and troubleshooting.

By following these routine maintenance tasks, you can keep your spa cover your hot tub in optimal condition and enjoy a hassle-free experience.

What do you put in a hot tub after every use?

After each use clean a hot tub, it’s important to add certain substances to your hot tub to maintain water cleanliness. Here’s what you should put in a hot tub after every use:

  1. Sanitizer: Add an appropriate amount of sanitizer, such as chlorine or bromine, to the hot tub water. This helps kill bacteria and prevent the growth of algae.
  2. Shock Treatment: Consider using a non-chlorine shock treatment to oxidize organic contaminants and maintain water clarity. This should be done regularly to keep the water fresh and clear.
  3. Tennis Balls or Scum Absorbers: Toss in a few tennis balls or scum absorbers to help remove impurities like oils, lotions, and other residues left behind by bathers. These can help improve the cleanliness of the water.

By adding these substances after each use of spa water, you can ensure that your hot tub water remains clean and safe for the next session.

What chemicals are needed to maintain a hot tub?

Maintaining a hot tub requires the use of specific chemicals to keep the water clean and balanced. Here are the essential chemicals needed for hot tub maintenance:

  1. Sanitizer: Chlorine or bromine is typically used as a sanitizer to kill bacteria and prevent the growth of algae in the hot tub water.
  2. pH Adjusters: pH levels should be kept within the recommended range (usually between 7.2 and 7.8). pH increasers and decreasers are used to adjust the pH levels accordingly.
  3. Alkalinity Adjusters: Alkalinity helps stabilize the pH levels in the water. Alkalinity increasers and decreasers are used to maintain the proper alkalinity range.
  4. Shock Treatment: Shock treatments, usually non-chlorine shock, are used to oxidize organic contaminants and maintain water clarity.
  5. Stain and Scale Control: Chemicals designed to prevent the buildup of stains and scale on the hot tub’s surfaces and equipment.

It’s important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and recommended dosage when using these chemicals. Regular testing of the water and adjusting the chemical levels accordingly is crucial for maintaining a clean and safe hot tub with spa chemicals.


  • Jason

    Jason is an experienced writer, having contributed to many popular websites over the years. He currently writes for Big Hot Tub, a blog about everything hot tubs. When he's not writing or working on his blog, Jason enjoys spending time with his wife and two young children.